Topics about Parenting


How to Build Patience and Understanding When Parenting a Child with ADHD

Discover effective strategies for managing impatience when parenting a child with ADHD. Learn tips to foster patience and understanding in your relationship.


The Power of Positive Reinforcement: Why It Trumps Punishment Every Time

Explore the age-old debate of punishment vs positive reinforcement in behavior modification. Discover which method is more effective in shaping behavior..


How To Explain ADHD Medication To A Child: Tips And Strategies For Parents

Discover effective tips and strategies for parents on explaining ADHD medication to a child. Learn how to communicate about ADHD treatment in a child-friendly way.


How Much Caffeine Can Your ADHD Child Safely Consume?

Learn about the safe consumption of caffeine for ADHD children. Discover guidelines and considerations to ensure your child's well-being while managing ADHD symptoms.


How To Parent A Child With ADHD And Anxiety: Practical Tips And Advice

Discover effective strategies and expert advice on parenting a child with ADHD and anxiety. From creating routines to fostering emotional well-being, learn how to navigate these challenges and support your child's development.


Best Homeschool Curriculum for ADHD Child: Choosing the Right Program to Support Your Child's Learning Needs

Discover the perfect homeschool curriculum for your ADHD child with our comprehensive guide. Find the best program that caters to their unique needs, and promotes effective learning.


How to Help a Perfectionist Child with ADHD: Practical Tips and Strategies for Managing Perfectionism

Empower your perfectionist child with ADHD through practical tips and strategies. Learn effective ways to support and guide them, fostering a healthy mindset, resilience, and self-acceptance.


How to Nurture Empathy in Children with ADHD: Practical Tips for Parents and Teachers

Discover practical tips for teaching empathy to ADHD children. Learn effective strategies to help them understand and connect with others on a deeper level.


5 Tips for Finding the Right Tutor to Help ADHD Students

Discover five valuable tips to help you find the ideal tutor who understands ADHD challenges and can provide effective support.


Overwhelmed With Homework? How Students With ADHD Can Get Back On Track

Explore tailored study techniques, organizational methods, and time management tips to transform homework from a stressful chore into a manageable task.


ADHD Child Failing at School? Here's What Parents Can Do

A child with ADHD is more likely to get poor grades but these strategies can help: working with school staff, creating a positive environment for learning at home, getting accommodations, and teaching strong study habits.


7 Tips for Helping a Child with Behavior Problems At School

Strategies such as routines, rewards, clear rules, and seeking help from other adults can all help a student overcome behavioral challenges and have the best possible experience throughout their education.


Teach Your Child with ADHD to Follow Directions: Effective Strategies for Parents and Caregivers

Discover strategies and techniques to engage their attention, foster better focus, and promote successful learning. Empower your child with ADHD to thrive academically and socially.


Teaching Math to ADHD Child: Effective Strategies and Tips for Engaging Learning

When helping your child with math, use sensory and digital tools to stimulate and engage them. Provide supplies for children to write out their work or draw illustrations or visual aids as needed. Lastly, provide student access to manipulatives and other engaging tools in your class or at home.


How to Teach a Child with ADHD to Tie Shoes: Tips and Strategies for Parents and Teachers

A few strategies to help children with ADHD learn to tie their shoes include, choosing the right pair of shoes, prepare a shoe-tying lesson, using visual aids and demonstrations, giving them rewards for progress, practice and consistency and incorporating movement and sensory input.