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Here is the Secret I Found to Never Nagging My 9-Year-Old with ADHD

October 10, 2024
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    Let’s face it, getting kids to do their daily chores can feel like pulling teeth. Now, add ADHD into the mix, and what should be simple daily tasks often turn into full-blown battles. As a parent, you find yourself nagging, reminding, and feeling drained by the constant need to keep your child on track.

    I was right there with you. My 9-year-old son, who has ADHD, struggled with basic routines like brushing his teeth, cleaning his room, or even putting on his shoes in the morning. I tried reward systems, colorful charts, and timers—none of them worked for long. I felt stuck in a never-ending loop of frustration and, worse, I knew my son felt it too.

    Then, I found Joon.

    Struggling to motivate your ADHD child?
    Download the Joon App and start your free 7-day trial.
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    The Game-Changer for ADHD Families

    Joon is an app designed specifically for kids like mine, with ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions. It transforms everyday chores and responsibilities into a fun, game-like experience. Think of it as a video game where the child becomes the hero of their story, and their "quests" are actually real-life tasks like getting ready for bed, doing homework, or helping out around the house.

    But here's the magic: instead of nagging, Joon motivates kids to want to complete these tasks. The app taps into their love for games and competition. My son no longer needs me to remind him 10 times to brush his teeth because he’s eager to earn rewards and level up his character in Joon. It’s not just working—it's become fun!

    How It Works: From Battle to Adventure

    Joon breaks down tasks into bite-sized, manageable "quests." My son can easily see what’s expected of him, and the app gives him a sense of control over when and how he completes his tasks. As a parent, I set the goals, but he’s the one who gets to take action. This shift in dynamic has been huge.

    Here’s what makes Joon different from other chore apps:

    • Tailored for ADHD: Joon understands that neurodivergent kids thrive with structure and instant feedback. The app provides just that, keeping tasks clear and engaging.
    • Rewards That Work: Instead of meaningless stickers or points, the app lets kids unlock real-world benefits like screen time or fun treats of your choice.
    • Empowerment Through Play: By turning chores into an adventure, Joon takes away the friction and helps kids feel empowered to accomplish things on their own.

    Why You Should Give Joon a Try

    Since I started using Joon, I’ve seen a real transformation in our household. My son feels proud when he completes his quests, and the app has strengthened our relationship because I’m no longer the "bad guy" reminding him every few minutes to do something. Instead, Joon gives him the nudge he needs, and I get to celebrate his wins alongside him.

    If you’re tired of nagging, feeling overwhelmed, or just want to create a more positive routine for your neurodivergent child, I encourage you to try Joon. It’s been a game-changer for us, and I think it will be for you too.

    So, go ahead—download Joon today and watch your child transform their daily tasks from struggles into achievements!

    Ready to see Joon in action? Get started here and start a new, stress-free chapter for you and your child.


    Brad Brenner

    Brad is one of the co-founders and the current COO of Joon with years of operational experience under his belt


    Brad Brenner

    Brad is one of the co-founders and the current COO of Joon with years of operational experience under his belt