What are Quests?A Quest is a real-life task that you can create for your child to do. You can select from the 500+ Quest suggestions that we have curated for you (and are categorized based on age), OR you can create your own Quest from scratch.
How do I create a Quest?You can create a quest by selecting the blue "+" button that is visible on the bottom of the screen when you are on the "Quest" tab of the app. When you tap the button, you have several options. Tapping "+ Custom Quest" allows you to create your own Quest from scratch. Tapping one of the template options pulls up our curated list of Quests for you to select from! Tapping "Saved by You" will pull up Quests that you previously created and saved for future use.
What is the difficulty option?When creating a Quest, you will be asked to choose a difficulty. This difficulty is connected to the game your child is playing. Next to the difficulty level is a number. That is the number of coins your child will earn for completing that Quest. Your child will then use these coins to care for their pet and explore Joon. You can change the coin amount to a custom amount when your are reviewing a completed Quest to either increase or decrease the reward. Be careful not to award your child too many coins because that will make Joon too easy and they will unlock things much faster. We recommend that you should try to make sure they earn about 100 coins a day MAX in order to unlock things in Joon at a steady pace.
What do the categories mean?We created these 6 particular categories with the help of child psychologists. They are to ensure that you assign a wide variety of Quests to your child to help them develop multiple different skills and become more well-rounded. Additionally, each skill is tied to a skill that your child's pet can level up inside the game. So, for example, if you assign a Quest in the "Chores & Housework" category, your child will see it as a Quest that improves their pet's Teamwork Skill. Below are the categories mapped to the skills in the game for your child:- Chores & Housework = Teamwork- Mental Health = Stamina- Learning & Education = Knowledge- Health & Fitness = Strength- Focus & Self Control = Focus- Relationship Building = KindnessAs a result, the pet and its skill levels represents your child's progress in these different areas so they can visualize their progress as they start mastering each one!
How do I schedule a Quest?There are two scheduling options to choose from: 1) one-time quests or 2) recurring. When you select the one-time option, you can either set a date the Quest should be due on or you can leave it un-selected and then the Quest will continue to appear indefinitely until it is completed by your child. If you choose the recurrence setting, then you just need to select the days that you want the Quest to appear on and how often (every week, every 2 weeks, etc.)
What about setting a due time?If you want to set the time of when a Quest is actually due by on a specific day (say 4pm) then all you need to do is enable the Reminder Time feature as this will serve as the time when the Quest will be due for the child.This will also send a push notification reminder to your child's device at the time to make sure they complete it on time!
What does "Requires Review" mean?When creating a Quest, you can disable a feature called "Requires Review" (note that this is default on when you set up your account). If you disable "Requires Review", you will not need to log into the app to approve the Quest when your child marks it as complete. We recommend leaving this setting on at the beginning as some children will typically mark Quests as "Done" without completing them. When you reject a Quest, you can also ask your child to retry it.
What is the Parent Guide?The Parent Guide is daily tasks for you to completed which was curated by a professional Child Psychologist to help you stay on top of your own responsibilities with Joon. Additionally, it should help with guidance and consistency to make sure you have the app set up and running properly in order to maximize the benefit of the app and ensure that your child maximizes their ability to develop positive habits!The tasks in the Parent Guide change each day to help you build consistency, so make sure to log back in to check on which tasks you are responsible for each day!
What are the Parent Resources?Inside the Parent Guide, you will see a list of 10 parenting articles known as our Parent Resource Hub. You will unlock articles throughout your use of Joon and each was written and medically reviewed by a Child Psychologist and Behavior Specialist to help you as a parent.
What can I do in the settings of the app?There are a TON of things you can find within the settings of the app. Below are a highlight of the largest things:1) Child Login Code: Find your child's login code at the very top to sign them into their own device.2) Add / Remove Family Member: Tapping the "Manage Family" button will allow you to add or remove children or parents from your family account. To remove a child account, tap a child and then select "Remove." If there is no "Remove" button, that means there is only one child account. Add a second child account in order to remove the first one.3) Purchase / Cancel Subscription: Tapping the "Manage Account" button will allow you to purchase or cancel a Joon subscription. This is also where you can change your account password and find your Joon email account.4) Delete Your Account: Tapping the "Manage Account" button will allow you to completely delete your account and remove all of your data from our servers. The button is located at the bottom of the page. Note this action cannot be undone.
How do I review Quests?Tap the "Review" tab when you are on the Quest board, then tap the small "Review" button for any Quest that you want to approve or reject. If you select Approve, your child will receive their reward! If you select Reject, you can select "Retry" and add a note to help your child learn what they did wrong and how to try the Quest again.
Why are Quests not showing up for review?If your child has completed some Quests and is asking you to review them but they are not appearing on your "Review" tab, you just need to pull down on the screen to refresh the app or just restart the app (double-tapping home and swiping app on it).
How do I see only one child's Quests on the Quest board?Tap the filter icon on the top right and select which child you would like to filter on to see the Quests only associated to that child.
How do I re-arrange the order that the Quests appear in?Tap the 3 dots in the top left corner, then in the next screen press and hold on a Quest and drag it to where you would like it to go!You can also tap on a Quest and then select the "Re-order" option.
How do I print out the Quest board to place it around the house?Tap the 3 horizontal lines in the top left corner, then in the next screen press the print button and select which child's routine you'd like to print and for which days. When you are ready, tap Print to open the Apple modal from where you can select save, email or text the PDF so it can be accessed for printing.
How do I edit or delete Quests?Simply tap on the Quest that you'd like to modify, then select the Edit button at the top under the name of the Quest. You can delete the Quest by either clicking the Delete button on the top right of the Quest Details screen or at the bottom of the Edit Quest screen.
How do I bulk edit / delete Quests?Tap the "..." button in the top left corner and select multi-select. Then you are able to select multiple quests at once and either delete, skip or mark them as complete.
What is the Family Tab?The Family Tab is your family's hub for the entire app. It shows historical data and improvements with Joon, broken down by week and by child, levels and achievements your child has achieved, game limits you can enable, and custom rewards for your child.Send Message: This feature allows you to write a custom message for your child to see when they tap on your avatar in the game. Think of it as a cute note that you include in their lunchbox for them to read later :)Progress & Habit Stats: This shows your child's progress on developing each Quest you've assigned them as a habit. W0 is the first week when that Quest appeared for your child and the % is how many of the total Quests the completed based on the number assigned. Any Quest that you see trending at or near 100% for the last few weeks is a Quest that we would recommend you remove from Joon and replace with a new Quest as your child has successfully built a habit around it!Manage Game Limits: This is where you can limit your child's access to the game. If you choose to enable the settings here, your child must complete each routine within the set time before they can explore the world of Joon. Additionally, you can hide other routines to clean up the Quest Board for your child and make it feel a little bit less overwhelming by enabling the setting called "Hide Quests Based on Routine Time."Custom Rewards Shop: This is you can create custom real-life rewards for your child to redeem using their virtual coins. Simply tap the "+" to create a reward and adjust the amount of coins needed. Then when your child is ready to purchase it, you can select "Buy" to remove the amount of coins from their account. Then when they actually want to redeem the reward, click on the "Redeem" tab and tap "Redeem."
What are Quests?A Quest is a real-life task that you can create for your child to do. You can select from the 500+ Quest suggestions that we have curated for you (and are categorized based on age), OR you can create your own quest from scratch.
How do I create a Quest?You can create a quest by selecting the blue "plus" button that is visible on the bottom of the screen when you are on the "Quest" tab of the app. When you tap the button, you have several options. Tapping "+ Custom Quest" allows you to create your own Quest from scratch. Tapping one of the template options pulls up our curated list of Quests for you to select from! Tapping "Saved by You" will pull up Quests that you previously created and saved for future use.
What do the categories mean?We created these 6 particular categories with the help of child psychologists. They are to ensure that you assign a wide variety of Quests to your child to help them develop multiple different skills and become more well-rounded. Additionally, each skill is tied to a skill that your child's pet can level up inside the game. So, for example, if you assign a Quest in the "Chores & Housework" category, your child will see it as a Quest that improves their pet's Teamwork Skill. Below are the categories mapped to the skills in the game for your child:- Chores & Housework = Teamwork- Mental Health = Stamina- Learning & Education = Knowledge- Health & Fitness = Strength- Focus & Self Control = Focus- Relationship Building = KindnessAs a result, the pet and its skill levels represents your child's progress in these different areas so they can visualize their progress as they start mastering each one!
What about setting a due time?If you want to set the time of when a Quest is actually due by on a specific day (say 4pm) then all you need to do is enable the Reminder Time feature as this will serve as the time when the Quest will be due for the child. This will also send a push notification reminder to your child's device at the time to make sure they complete it on time!
What does "Requires Review" mean?When creating a Quest, you can disable a feature called "Requires Review" (note that this is default on when you set up your account). If you disable "Requires Review", then you will not need to log into the app to approve the Quest when your child marks it as complete. We highly recommend you leave this setting on at the beginning as children will typically mark Quests as "Done" without completing them. So, you will be able to then reject those Quests which will notify your child that they must try it again.
How do I review Quests?Tap the "Review" tab when you are on the Quest board, then tap the small "review" button for any quest that you want to approve or reject. If you select Approve, your child will receive their reward! If you select Reject, you can select "Retry" and add a note to help your child learn what they did wrong and how to try the Quest again.
How do I re-arrange the order that the Quests appear in?Tap the "..." button in the top left corner, then in the next screen press and hold on a Quest and drag it to where you would like it to go!You can also tap on a Quest and then select the "Re-order" option.
How do I print out the Quest board to place it around the house?Tap the "..." button in the top left corner, then in the next screen press the print button and select which child's routine you'd like to print and for which days. When you are ready, tap Print to open the Apple modal from where you can select save, email or text the PDF so it can be accessed for printing.
What is the Parent Guide?The parent guide is simple, daily tasks that have been programmed by a professional Child Psychologist to help you stay on top of your own responsibilities with Joon. Additionally, it should help with guidance and consistency to make sure you have the app set up and running properly in order to maximize the benefit of the app and ensure that your child has the best chance of developing positive habits!The tasks in the Parent Guide change each day to help you build consistency, so make sure to log back in to check on which tasks you are responsible for each day!
What are the Parent Resources?Inside the Parent Guide, you will see a list of 10 parenting articles known as our Parent Resource Hub. You will unlock 1 new article a day and each was written and medically reviewed by a Child Psychologist and Behavior Specialist to help you as a parent.
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